Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hey look! I'm an author!

Hey, look what I did. I'm an author! 

Basketcase, a Classic Tale in Reverse, is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon Paperback and Kindle EBook

A fairy-taled scope on the very real issue of domestic violence and spousal abuse, Basketcase tells an age old story in an empowering new direction. 

The royal wedding is over, and Prince Adam and his very new and royally inexperienced Princess Olive of Sidney are ready for happily-ever-after. The two are madly in love and have everything they need or ever could want, until a very unusual chain of events destroys the couple’s good fortune overnight. Adam and Olive awake to find an entirely different version of the Land of Sidney where there is no royalty and no record either of them has ever existed. Their brand new home has become decrepit and is falling apart and their physical appearances have grown inhumanly monstrous and ugly. 
With no explanation as to what might have caused the changes and a town full of people who shun them, Olive and Adam find they handle the unfortunate events very differently from one another. The couple’s true colors guide them in opposite directions, while their relationship with each other is put to the ultimate test.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Basketcase, a classic tale in reverse

NOW AVAILABLE direct from the publisher.
Will be available on Amazon and Kindle April 1st (links coming soon!)

Found out more HERE!

A fairy-taled scope on the very real issue of domestic violence and spousal abuse, Basketcase tells an age old story in an empowering new direction. 

The royal wedding is over, and Prince Adam and his very new and royally inexperienced Princess Olive of Sidney are ready for happily-ever-after. The two are madly in love and have everything they need or ever could want, until a very unusual chain of events destroys the couple's good fortune overnight. Adam and Olive awake to find an entirely different version of the Land of Sidney where there is no royalty and no record either of them has ever existed. Their brand new home has become decrepit and is falling apart and their physical appearances have grown inhumanly monstrous and ugly. 
With no explanation as to what might have caused the changes and a town full of people who shun them, Olive and Adam find they handle the unfortunate events very differently from one another. The couple's true colors guide them in opposite directions, while their relationship with each other is put to the ultimate test.