Monday, November 2, 2015

Blogger Hiatus FTW!

THANK YOU to everyone who reads this. Seriously... whoever you all are, THANK YOU THANK YOU! You like me! You really like me!

It's hugely encouraging to have fans, even though I still have little idea of most of you are or why you guys like the 2015, The Year that Forgot What Year it is post so much...

For the next few months, I will be focusing on the final edit of my upcoming novel, Basketcase, a Classic Tale in Reverse which is set to be released on Amazon as paperback and Ebook in January of 2016. 

I will most likely not be posting blogs during this time. Please check back early next year for more Words of Whatnot. There's sure to be plenty of it brewing in my chaotic jumble of a mindpit until then and it'll be dying to bust out once I start up again. ;)

Life, the Universe, and the Pursuit of Happiness,
