Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Extra; The Key of She

For this Thursday I've chosen to post a short story I've been working on for the past few months. The story is written in a style I like to call The Key of She.
For today, I'd like to explain (or rather to disclaim) what the Key of She is all about for those who aren't familiar with it.

The Key of She is a style of writing I use when I am being intentionally: (obtuse, over-dramatic, irrational, off-color, delusional, neurotic, ironic, or facetious). I do this for one or more of many reasons:
-stress relief
-because it's fun
-because it's funny
-because it sounds cool
-to try and figure out how I actually feel about something
-to try and explain something I do not understand
-to blow something out of proportion so I can more easily accept it
-because I want to
-because it's my fucking blog and I can do that
-because writers do that

The Key of She can also be any one (or more than one) of the following:
-Something entirely fictional told in a fucked up way
-Something entirely true told in a fucked up way
-Something sort of true told in a fucked up way
-A merging of fantasy and reality told in either a fucked up way or a really cool and fun whimsical way
-An abstract idea I have put into words
-Me being an asshole in word form for the sake of being an asshole in word form
-Something that doesn't make sense for the sake of not making sense, which I wish I could do half as well as well as the late, great Saint Silverstein... Eh-ehm... Shel Silverstein. He was never sainted. <this portion is 2.7% plagiarized from New Girl
-Whatever else I decide belongs in the Key of She

-The Key of She 2015

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