Friday, May 12, 2017

Never-Mind the Bees

What's that scent you're wearing? It makes me feel happy!
Lemonade in the grass? Beers on the patio?
Sand, sun, dandelions, red freeze-pops?
Volleyball, baseball, really cute tank tops?

I can place it, I swear. Just give me a minute. Mango? No, peach? With a dash of... spinach?
Garden fresh veggies and freshly mowed grass? Lightning bugs, bonfires, open door hatchbacks?

A car full of camping gear, headed up the hill,
Windows down, playing good tunes for all to hear.

Ice cream, gelato, and cold margaritas,
Friends are at the fest and can't wait to see ya.

Get off work early and turn off your phone. We're coming, we're coming, we'll see you there soon!

Oh, what is that scent? I know it, I swear! I can't seem to place it, but it's my memory... somewhere?
Don't give me that eye-roll. Just tell me what is is, please!
Ok cool, I'm listening. Oh, that's all it is? SPF 15?

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