Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I hope you are well. I’ve been keeping busy and I’d like to think I’ve been good this year. I don’t have a chimney this year but I’m sure you’ll be able to manage.

First off, I’d like to thank you for the following gifts you brought me for 2014.

      -Thank you for helping me to find the patience to start taking care and fixing of all that went haywire for me last year

      -Thank you for helping me to utilize my brain power in a more effective and productive way

      -Thank you for my friends, up to and including any and all friends of the K9 variety

      -Thank you for chocolate, bacon, strong black tea, and non-dairy mylk beverages

      -Thank you for helping me to find Me again

Here is what I’d like this year for Christmas (keep in mind that I started drafting this on Sunday the 21st so it won't hit cyberspace until after you make your rounds. I'm sure you'll manage)
    -New tires for my car

      -New running shoes and sexy date-night boots

      -The end of the financial shitstorm created by dat' yucky man who is no longer part of my life

      -One of those immersion blenders and a spiralizer peeler thingy

      -To stop being ignored by the men I actually want to date (seriously wtf is up with this? If I don’t like them they won’t leave me alone. As soon as I do like them they lose interest)

      -Consistent good sleep

      -To have the drive and patience to finish my novel

      -^That^ and also to succeed in working towards publishing it

      -Drive and patience to begin the next novel (ideas are already in the works!)

      -Decreased anxiety and no more gray hairs

      -No more insomnia, allergies, sinus issues, arthritis, or migraines

      -Chocolate, bacon, and strong black tea (you know…as stocking stuffers)

      -For the new Star Wars to be awesome

      -For the 22 dogs at the rescue right now to find homes by early March, and then we take in 22 more dogs they’ll all find homes by June, and then we’ll take in 22 more and they’ll all find homes by September, and everyone will have a furever doggie and everyone will be happy and then all the little animals at Dumb Friends League and Foothills Shelter and all the other shelters in the world will find homes too and then everyone’s heart will turn to gold and everyone will be happy furever and World Peace will ensue.

      -More chocolate, bacon, and strong black tea

      -Gift cards to H&M, Target, Tattered Cover Bookstore, and Common Grounds Coffee House (this is my honest Christmas list… shut up)

      -A giant bag of MnMs (this is in addition to the aforementioned chocolate)

      -To continue to strive towards being me and having the patience to do the things I love and be who I want to be and who I need to be and wake up every day with drive and ambition and motivation to do awesome things for myself and for others and continue to make and participate in super fun and cool things and just generally live an awesomsauce life of creativity and excitement and continue to enjoy the chase and cherish the confusion down my path for Life, the Universe, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Love to you and the Elves and Mrs. Santa’s Sister,


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