Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sisterhood of the TARDIS

...and I am hopelessly addicted to SciFi.
I know a lot of people can relate.

Although one of the great things I think a lot of people don't catch about good SciFi is that the character analysis is often just as good as the special effects.
I used to have a hard time with SciFi. My sister Bex was really into it when we were kids but I just wasn't into the whole wibbly-wobbly spacey-wasey timey-wimey... stuff...
I liked stories that focused on character growth, interpersonal friendships, and comedic timing. My sister liked [likes] Space.
So we'd watch my shows... and she'd complain.
And we'd watch her movies... and I'd complain.
But what we ended up finding out was that we'd often bond over the most unexpected of entertainment.

[insert really cliche SciFi sequence]
Sarah, why aren't you watching this battle scene?
It's boring. It's just... spaceships.
There's people in them. They might die!
I think they'll be ok. At least all the main characters will.
How do you know!?
Because they're all in the next movie.
Well that's no fun! You have to watch this epicness with me!
I am.
You don't even care...
Nope.. Oh my God! Holy shit! How did they just blow that whole thing up?
Thermal exhaust port. They shot fire balls into it!
What?? How? That's not even possible. You can't even shoot something at that angle.
Haha! They did it though.
Who died?
All the bad guys.
All of them?
Who's still there?
You gotta watch.
So wait... that whole thing is just gone?
Whoa! They did it! Yay! Rewind it like 5 minutes back. I gotta see how they did that.

So when I moved 1000 miles away from my sister, watching SciFi reminded me of home. We still shoot the shit about SciFi over the phone.
My focus has pretty much remained on the character development and analysis. My sister's focus has remained on the Wibbly-Wobbly Spacey Wasey...stuff.

Hey Bex...Rory is The Master
Ya... he got pissed because Amy is a bitch and can't have kids so he went back and became The Master.
Amy did have a kid.
Yea... then they made her sterile at Devil's Run.
Oh... I missed that part of it... Didn't Rory die?
Rory doesn't die.
I dunno the science behind it. I think since he was plastic when he was The Last Centurion and then since he spawned a Timelord he somehow was able to become one.
Hmm... I wonder if that's even possible. 
 It's not possible. It's fiction, Bex.
Oh yea. Hahahaha! You know what I mean. The Master looks like him though!
Cuz they're the same person.
Same alien.
I don't know if Rory is an alien since he was born a human.
Ohhh... that's really weird. Did you know that Gallifrey is actually a real star...like in real life?

Bex has the Science part.
I've got the fiction part.
Both are important.
Both are awesome.
Both are essential for Science Fiction.

Let's fly this piece of crap!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

*Cryptic Le Sigh* Feeling: Human

There are some days when it all seems like it's falling apart for no reason. Those days are important. They're there to test us. To see if we can keep it together better than the last time it all fell apart for no reason. We all set goals to better our future...

"Next time this shit happens... Ima' handle it better."

And sometimes we listen.
But sometimes we don't.
Everyone gets depressed. Everyone has off days. Everyone is always recovering from something, and all recoveries have setbacks. 
I've had lots of setbacks in the past few years, and referring back to my own words of whatnot has helped me quite a bit. 
Trying to better myself based on what I've learned from my mistakes becomes easier as time goes on. I know that when my heart gets low, my mind will always become too busy. The synapses inside the right half of my brain will explode and implode in a fajillion different directions and reality will become intricately twizted. Sometimes I let this get the best of me, which has often been difficult to control.

Although, I've recently retaught myself to feel my emotions the way are meant to be felt. For a long time I was discouraged from expressing strong emotions. Someone who was very close to me for a long time would not allow me to express emotion. 
As a result I became even-tempered... outwardly. Inwardly I was always screaming.
And then there were times where I was screaming... all the time... for no good reason. I was angry about nothing and everything all at once. 
It's taken awhile to retrain myself to feel and express proper emotions. 

I've cried twice this week. I felt sad, so I cried. 
It's been too long since that's been able to happen. 
As strange as it sounds, I'm happy with myself that I am able to feel sadness. 

Both. Always both.

But enough about me.
The advice I'd like to put forth is that no one should ever be afraid to feel. 

Feelings guide us. They help us to appropriately transition into the next stage of our journey.
The important thing to remember is that when we feel something, we sometimes have to coach ourselves rationally in order to let our feelings take the appropriate path.

If we are upset with someone's actions, it's important to address the person's actions instead of their character. It's also important to realize that we may also be part of the problem and to consider and address that part where necessary. 

If we are upset with someone's actions, it's also important that we address that person when it comes to confrontation. It may not be easy to "put on a happy face" around everyone else, nor is it necessary to do so. However, pushing misplaced anger on people unrelated to the problem itself is never ok. It's always going to be a struggle (for everybody) to keep negative emotions focused where they aught to be, but it's really the only place where they belong. Once we train ourselves to do this properly, it will soon become evident that it is worth the effort to do so.

If we are upset about something, as we all will be sooner or later, it is important to prioritize what responsibilities are important and also which ones can be temporarily set aside. 

I'll switch back to my own situation now for the sake of example...

Today I felt sad. I felt unimportant. Unwanted. Ugly. Ignorable. Forgettable. Lame. Boring. Ordinary. Dull. Hopeless. Helpless. Worthless. Stupid. Crybaby. Pathetic. Damaged. Broken. Tired. Uninspired. Hurt.

I knew I'd spend the evening curled up in the fetal position feeling sorry for myself. 
Which is exactly what I did...
But... I knew there'd eventually be time for me to do that, and I also knew that I had stuff to do. Important stuff that came first. Stuff that was top priority. Stuff that was unrelated to my reason for feeling negative.
So... I took a deep breath... I did what I had to do. I did it from start to finish.

Some other responsibilities went wayward today, but I accept that I'll have to make up for those in the very near future. 

And so even as I sit here this evening feeling still slightly worthless...

I've realized...
•I focused my negative emotions onlywhere they belong...
•I surveyed my emotions from a well-rounded standpoint and realized where my own insecurities played a part.
•I didn't let my negative emotions leak too much outside the situation at hand (a little... but I'm only human)
•I took care of what I needed to take care of before letting my emotions take hold of me.
•Once I was in the appropriate setting, I let myself feel sad and I let myself express that openly.
•I let myself cry.

And even though it still hurts... a lot...
I know that's ok...
I love Fairly Oddparents

Because it's been way too long since I've handled these types of feelings this way.
I've made a hella lot of mistakes in this field the past few years...
But mistakes are the best way to learn to do things properly. 

Party on ;)

"When the snow melts and the fog lifts, you'll never waiting underneath"

Winter might be on the horizon in Denver, but Winter is just now ending in my heart. 
What a long, strange winter it's been...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In Honor of Creepy October...

"Denying what you've done wrong won't make it go away.

Own up to your bullshit, and watch shit change"

The curse ends now
Because I'm a badass and I say so

Doogie Howser Does Gotham

The only water in the forest is the River

Am I not making sense for the sake of not making sense?
Absolutely. It's Creepy October, Baby. Tis the season. ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Take it Sleazy Robby

Back in the days (the rather recent days) when I wrote under the pen name SheDevil Psychobitch, I had some decent internet success. I pretend I don’t know why, but the truth is that I knew exactly why people were reading. ;)
Although, one of the popular reader avenues I hadn’t anticipated was people who had Googled the author, Robert Belland.
I stumbled upon Robert Belland’s work while I was perusing MJ’s book collection awhile back. Belland’s book, “Ignore and Score” peaked my interest because I feel that being ignored is one of the most awful feelings in the world.

I HATE being ignored!

The idea that some asshole would write a book about ignoring women in order to score with them really pissed me off.

What I found out was that Belland was clever to have entitled his book this way, as the content inside had nothing (at all) to do with ignoring women. Instead, Belland writes about how ignoring one's own personal insecurities and embracing any amount of confidence while remaining cool and collected (and not a conceited asshole) is what will ultimately help men to “get the girl”.
Not only that, but that all this is easy and can actually come naturally to anyone with some simple self-coaching.
See also:Robby's Blog

Being a lady, I find a lot of what Belland has to say a bit degrading. Although at the same time, as a blogger in the modern world, being slightly offensive is a big part of the game. No author has ever become successful without raising a few eyebrows, so party on Robby!

While I don’t agree with some of Belland’s dating tactics, I find myself referring to his advice often. I do this, not only to try and decode the behavior of men, but also to help myself to exude confidence.

When I’m out with friends, or on a date, or even if I’ve been seeing someone for awhile…
And something awkward happens…

Or I’m having a bad hair day…

Or a fat day…

Or the shirt I decided to wear totally smells like dirty dog and I didn’t even realize it until it was too late…

I’ll just ask myself…

What would Robby say?

More often than not, he’d tell me to “Take it sleazy and have fun”.

Awkward Limes + Elbow Grease = Kick-Ass Mojitos!
But also…
Awkward Limes + Confidence = Awesome Limes! 
Or... What Awkward Limes?

Robert Belland, you are a mad man. Keep it up, Man.

Life, the Universe, and the Pursuit of Happiness,


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Countdown After a Sleep Aid

Ok sooo... for the record I don't agree with taking pills.
But I will occasionally take VERY VERY gentle sleep aids... otherwise I'd probably be dead...
So I thought it would be funny to start posting after I've taken one... and then see where my brain ends up by the end of the post...

Here we go...
Ok... I'm done already. My brain is ready for bed.
I made the mistake of starting to watch TV before posting this. ENd of blog.
Damn... this shir feowks fast. It's been like 10 minutes....
Typos up there ^^ Ima' leave 'em....


Friday, October 3, 2014

11 Things NOT To Do at the Grocery Store

As a recovering insomniac, it’s safe to say my sense of imagination that doesn't always make sense. My mind is going gOiNg GoinG with nutty ideas and thoughts every waking hour as is, so one can  only imagine how that would be exacerbated if that started happening 22 waking hours a day…for like a year…

And it did. I went through some personal trauma last year and slept maybe about an hour or two a night for the entirety of 2013. I still don’t sleep great, but it’s a hell of a lot better that it was!

It’s amazing how different the world is when I sleep. It’s like… everything is happier and calmer… yet somehow so much more boring… in a good way. If that doesn't make sense to you then you're probably one of the lucky ones who sleep on a regular basis. J

Some of the things I’d think about during my days of aggressive insomnia were about what I could do to confuse people in public. Even in my altered state of mind, I’d more often than not immediately decide against doing any of these things. Instead I’d laugh aloud about them, often raising stares from people who concluded that I was laughing about them.

I’m not laughing at you, Doofus! I’d laughing at the stupid thing I just made up inside my head!
^I never actually told anyone that^

But I digress…  Here’s a list of hilariously inappropriate and random things to do to confuse people…. @ the grocery store…

Disclaimer: I’d never actually do these things. It’s meant to be funny. Relax…

   1.  Choose a tile color and stick to it. Step only on those tiles. The other tiles are none of your concern.

    2. Fill up a shopping cart with condoms and adult diapers. Leave it in the dairy section.

    3.  Don’t push your cart! Sit in the back and row it around the store with an umbrella. Hey… life’s not easy. I’m sure you can figure out how to do this.
    4. Put a bag of MnMs on layaway.

   5. Send a talkative 3 year old to the customer service counter to try and buy lottery tickets.

   6. Ask lots and lots of questions at the deli counter… all pertaining to the TV show “Lost”.

   7. Sample the grapes. Sample an apple. Sample a slice of bread. Sample a donut. Sample a gallon of OJ.

   8. Build castles in the snack aisle with boxes of crackers.

   9. Dance to the sounds of the machinery at the meat counter.

10.  Clip EVERY COUPON in the newspaper that week and place them all underneath the correlating products. You’re WELCOME!

11.When you’re done shopping, pick up all the garbage in the parking lot. Put it all in your cart. Put your cart back in the cart corral. You’re welcome again!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why Megamind is a Cooler Movie than You Think it is

Because the premise has never been told in any other movie before...
At least not any movie I've ever seen...

Megamind in 3 minutes (unless you're a slow reader which is cool too)

An alien planet is going down. Two couples of peaceful alien races place their newborn babies in two separate space pods and send them off in hopes that they'll land somewhere safe and survive.
One alien species resembles traditional good looking Earth humans.
The other resembles a stereotypical big headed blue alien life form.

The pod with the human form lands in a young, wealthy, good looking couple's home. The baby is named MetroMan.
The pod with the alien form lands in a prison for nonviolent criminals. The baby is named MegaMind.

Both MetroMan and Megamind are well cared for and grow into healthy children.
MetroMan is the favorite of the two based on appearance and family background. He can do no wrong. Even if he does he is quickly forgiven.
Megamind can do no right. Even if he does no one cares. If he fucks something up, he is harassed and bullied.
MetroMan turns into a spoiled brat adult (with a good heart deep down). Everyone loves him.
Megamind embraces the idea that everyone hates him and uses his higher intelligence to do make and do terrible things for attention. People see him as evil regardless so he plays up his evil side and flaunts it, though the audience can easily see that deep down he has no intention of doing anything truly harmful.
MetroMan and Megamind grow into adults and become arch nemesis as Superhero and Super Villain. They put on a show almost everyday of good vs. evil. Megamind has the mental capability to make something that will destroy MetroMan but he chooses to make things that fall short.

Until one day he actually defeats MetroMan (and kills him... or does he?)

And then he feels lost. Megamind himself feels defeated.
Well... what now??? He has to move on with his life.
But what the hell is he going to do? Fighting MetroMan is the only life he knows.

He's smart... So he creates another super hero to be his arch Nemesis. He uses a snobby chubby kid named Hal as the base and manipulates him into a strong and good looking super hero.
But what he didn't know is that Hal is truly a bad person, and with his newfound strength and power he starts raising hell around town. But since Megamind has a good soul deep down...
Good soon prevails.
And Megamind becomes a superhero...with his homemade "superhero" as a truly evil super villain...

What happens next? Megamind needs help...
#gowatch #now
You'll love it. I promise ;)

Sorry/Not Sorry!

My mind is a swarming vortex of literary madness. If I don't type it out, my brain can and will implode upon itself. I was beamed into human utero from my home planet 29 years ago in order to confuse the world by writing weird shit on the internet.

The problem is that it hasn't always been clear to me what, how, or where I was supposed to do this.
•I got suspended in 8th Grade once for writing a dark, allegorical poem that was taken far too literally by school staff.
•One of my neighbors when I was in high school threatened to have me arrested for writing a blog post about how much I hated her, even though neither her name or he likeness was ever mentioned in the post.
•The only job I've ever truly been fired from was in college, when I wrote a scathing Yahoo Review of how I was sexually harassed by the kitchen staff, even though I myself chose to remain anonymous.
...I was a bit of a stupid kid sometimes...

Through and through these misadventures and countless others, I've lived and I've learned about what I've done right and what I've done wrong.
I've been burned and I've learned that it's often my own fault.
But... I've also gotten through to people who may have never given me a chance to speak otherwise.
The one thing that has never changed is my undying urge to express myself creatively and publicly through the Interwebs.

I don't think my mind works the same way that other people's minds do, but at the same time I'm sure your mind (you; the reader's mind) doesn't work the same way as the person's sitting next to you.
It's all relative. All of it. You might think you know, but you probably don't have any idea.

I see the world as a multiverse of inter-dimensional puzzle pieces begging to be put together in any number of geometric and non-geometric shapes and ideas, and I do this with words.


Monsters Made of Script
Psychobabble Unlimited
Diarrhea of the Keyboard

--What have you--

I've recently decided to switch gears in the Blogging World and blog as an Everygirl instead of the Twizted Palahniuk-Inspired Nutjob I've been writing as for the past year.
...Although that side of my brain will always remain a source of muse...

Batshit crazy
Weird, smart girl
Smart-ass extraordinaire
I don't have to give it a name. I'm just Sarah!

*Sorry/Not Sorry!*