Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I hope you are well. I’ve been keeping busy and I’d like to think I’ve been good this year. I don’t have a chimney this year but I’m sure you’ll be able to manage.

First off, I’d like to thank you for the following gifts you brought me for 2014.

      -Thank you for helping me to find the patience to start taking care and fixing of all that went haywire for me last year

      -Thank you for helping me to utilize my brain power in a more effective and productive way

      -Thank you for my friends, up to and including any and all friends of the K9 variety

      -Thank you for chocolate, bacon, strong black tea, and non-dairy mylk beverages

      -Thank you for helping me to find Me again

Here is what I’d like this year for Christmas (keep in mind that I started drafting this on Sunday the 21st so it won't hit cyberspace until after you make your rounds. I'm sure you'll manage)
    -New tires for my car

      -New running shoes and sexy date-night boots

      -The end of the financial shitstorm created by dat' yucky man who is no longer part of my life

      -One of those immersion blenders and a spiralizer peeler thingy

      -To stop being ignored by the men I actually want to date (seriously wtf is up with this? If I don’t like them they won’t leave me alone. As soon as I do like them they lose interest)

      -Consistent good sleep

      -To have the drive and patience to finish my novel

      -^That^ and also to succeed in working towards publishing it

      -Drive and patience to begin the next novel (ideas are already in the works!)

      -Decreased anxiety and no more gray hairs

      -No more insomnia, allergies, sinus issues, arthritis, or migraines

      -Chocolate, bacon, and strong black tea (you know…as stocking stuffers)

      -For the new Star Wars to be awesome

      -For the 22 dogs at the rescue right now to find homes by early March, and then we take in 22 more dogs they’ll all find homes by June, and then we’ll take in 22 more and they’ll all find homes by September, and everyone will have a furever doggie and everyone will be happy and then all the little animals at Dumb Friends League and Foothills Shelter and all the other shelters in the world will find homes too and then everyone’s heart will turn to gold and everyone will be happy furever and World Peace will ensue.

      -More chocolate, bacon, and strong black tea

      -Gift cards to H&M, Target, Tattered Cover Bookstore, and Common Grounds Coffee House (this is my honest Christmas list… shut up)

      -A giant bag of MnMs (this is in addition to the aforementioned chocolate)

      -To continue to strive towards being me and having the patience to do the things I love and be who I want to be and who I need to be and wake up every day with drive and ambition and motivation to do awesome things for myself and for others and continue to make and participate in super fun and cool things and just generally live an awesomsauce life of creativity and excitement and continue to enjoy the chase and cherish the confusion down my path for Life, the Universe, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Love to you and the Elves and Mrs. Santa’s Sister,


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Because it's my Fucking Blog and I Can Do That!

If you can find it that is... teehee

I had an awkward moment today. One of those… awkward moments when…
Actually, it was more of a moment of realization. That moment when I realized

That seemingly insignificant moment when I Googled my old pen name, only to realize that my self-initiated alter-ego still somehow has more of an internet presence than my real name does.
At first it made me feel small. Why don’t I have a presence?

Then the reality of the situation hit me. Not only am I SheDevil PsychoBitch… I MADE SheDevil PsychoBitch.
It’s like that movie Kickass, only I’m not famous. Aaaaand... the only life SheDevil ever saved was my own.

People don’t seem to understand what SheDevil stood for. I was very angry about my past when I created her. I was hurting people. I was mean. I was illogical. I was sick. I was depressed. I was sad. I wanted to die. I was self-destructive. I hated my life. I was beginning to hate myself. I was cruel. I was dirty. I was pushed too far. I was ugly. I was empty. I was hopeless.
I was hurting so bad that all I wanted to do was hurt people in return, which made me hurt even more. I had lost the ability to relate to people without being abusive. I had so much anger in my heart that it would seep out all day every day onto everyone around me. I was out of control.

Even if I was good to people in person, I’d be cruel to them in text form. Texting, emailing, writing, Facebook, messaging, etc…
My SheDevil found a way out regardless.

So when my counselor told me to find an outlet for my anger, I knew what I had to do. I gave my anger a name and I gave her a place to shine. I separated her from all other avenues of communication and I let her go hog wild. I let her say and do whatever she wanted as long as she did so as SheDevil Psychobitch and as long as she kept it at (this url is no longer in use). SheDevil had a lot to say, even if she didn’t make sense at times. There was so much anger, frustration, and twizted confusion built up in my heart before SheDevil that I could barely function. The day I gave my SheDevil her own space was the day I got my life back.
I would sometimes get a lot of shit for what SheDevil had to write.

Do you know the whole world can see what you’re writing on there?

You know that one entry isn’t scientifically accurate, right?

Is that really how you think?

I have no idea what any of your entries are about. They make zero sense to me.

That happened like a year ago… Why are you still pissed about it?

You need to relax…

You need to get over it…

Is that really what happened? Are you kidding me?!

You know the world isn’t actually a fairy tale, right?

Why would you write those things online!?

I don’t get it. It’s really weird.

My response to these^^^?

Why do you care? You typed it into your web bar. If you don’t like it… don’t read it!

I made a personal choice to separate my angry feelings and occasionally warped view of the world and write about it anonymously and MAKE FUN OF MYSELF on a tiny little website that I started ON MY SMARTPHONE at 3am on a Tuesday morning! And it worked!

Aside from occasionally texting the URL to someone who asked to read it, I never actually asked anyone to read it.
But somehow…
People did!

For some reason, people all over the WORLD started reading what SheDevil had to write.
What I had to write!

And so I kept writing regardless of who may have been reading.
It woke something up in me. It saved my life. I don’t really understand it all, but it changed me for the better.

And to this day, people give me shit about SheDevil, like they think they have a say in it or something.

I saved my sanity and restored my own personal well-being by writing like an asshole on the internet to NOBODY… while simultaneously and unintentionally getting through to people! That’s pretty damn cool if you ask me!

So… NO… I’m not sorry. I’m just Sarah.

I realize now that more people should do what I did. I personally think the whole world should give their inner jackass a place to shine. It's liberating and inspiring and freeing in a way you have to experience to believe. 
I don't think everyone anyone is fully capable of suppressing their inner asshole. 
So let her rip... so to speak...

Music. Art. Painting. Writing. Sports. Dancing...Furniture!?

There are countless ways to convert your inner dickhead.
If anyone cares, tell them to look away. 

Tell them you're not sorry.

- Write on -

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It's Mad but It's Magic [The Perspective of Luck]

“Tryna tell you Son if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all”
                         -Ray Charles “If it Wasn’t for Bad Luck” 1969

Ray sings the blues, of course. The blues forces the listener look at the bad stuff in a different light.
Write the blues... and the bad stuff becomes the inspiration.
Sing the blues... and the bad stuff turn into the melody.  
Without the bad stuff (...cheating lovers, broken hearts, being banished from Georgia...) there is no blues.

It’s mad but it’s magic. If bad luck is a magic spell, there are a billion counter-spells to turn it into Good Luck.
In Ray’s case, the counter-spell was music. The Blues thrives on the Bad Luck of the creator. It turns one person's momentary Bad Luck into something amazing that can be enjoyed in a positive way by many.

Ladies and Gentlemen...
Stephen Hawking

At every point in history…on every continent… on every planet in every universe and every parallel universe… there are people who have taken their Bad Luck and used it as inspiration to create.

Musicians, authors, painters, playwrights, animators, illustrators, photographers…
Athletes, geniuses, inventors, scientists...

Don’t panic, don’t get cocky, 
and don’t forget to feel. Feelings 
used appropriately spark inspiration. 
Inspiration put into effect is the 
secret ingredient in the counter-curse.

I had a talk with a friend recently about The Perspective of Luck. A lot of this entry is actually based on our conversation. Why do some who seem to have had the most unlucky experiences sometimes end up creating the coolest lives for themselves? Is it just an illusion? Is the grass always greener?
But then, why do some let themselves be consumed by the wrath of Bad Luck and continue to wallow in their own misfortune?

Some of the most complex ideas are actually the most simple. The answer lies in the luck-holder’s perspective. Positivity is key.

“There’s nothing wrong with blind positivity. There’s plenty wrong with blind negativity.”
                                -SheDevil Psychobitch 2013

While blind positivity is certainly a start, it alone does not always induce the magic wormhole that turns Bad Luck into Good Luck. The curse of Bad Luck needs a little extra effort on the luckholder’s part in order to spark the counter-curse.
It’s easy to want to sink into a pit of “oh poor me” when hit with the curse of Bad Luck, but it’s those who become inspired by the curse who break the curse.
As mentioned, there are a billion ways to do this. I can’t tell you (the reader) how to do this for yourself. Everyone has streaks of Bad Luck. Everyone has bad shit happen to them.
Everyone has a different path, a different journey, a different counter-curse.

“Shit happens. Life happens.  Enjoy the chase and cherish the confusion”
                                                -SheDevil Psychobitch 2014

“Write about what makes you anxious until it makes your famous”
-some quote from the “The Carrie Diaries” TV show that I am likely remembering slightly incorrectly but I like it and am quoting regardless because it’s my fucking blog and I can do that

Charles Bukowski "An Almost Made Up Poem"
year of origin unknown
Last year, after months of Bad Luck and the “oh poor me” mentality, I opened up “Confessions of a SheDevil” as a last resort to write-o-babble about what had happened to me. I'm convinced that doing this saved my life at the same time as it catapulted me back into my creative niche.
Did I write myself out of Bad Luck?
I like to think that's exactly what I did.

Maybe it’s magic…

Or maybe it’s just perspective. ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Throwback Thanksgiving

Throwback Thanksgiving!

*27 on 27*

27 seemingly not-so-perfect things that I’m thankful to have experienced.

Some lessons cannot be taught. They have to be lived.

“Sometimes we have to suffer a little so we can truly enjoy life.”  -The Ogre

Rising Phoenix/Shaking Scaredy Cat

When I get knocked down, I don’t stay there long. I pop a can of spinach and I whoop ass!

1• I once watched a stupid teen movie that changed my life.  I used to have a hard time stepping out of my comfort zone and never really had a lot of fun. One day I watched “I Love you Beth Cooper” and realized that I’d never be alive if I wasn’t living.

2• I’ve experienced life from many different shapes.
a.       I was a gangly and skinny child.
b.      In high school I was a lean, muscular athlete.
c.       I developed late and ended up with gigantic tits and a bubble butt my senior year.
d.      In college I put on a lot of weight and was nearly obese.
e.      I took the weight off and became trim and healthy by the age of 24
f.        I went through a fit of morbid depression at the age of 27 and was nearly emaciated.
g.       I’ve since put on some healthy curves while still maintaining an athletic build. I like this shape best.

3• I used to try and denounce my intelligence because I thought it made me uncool. When I decided to take it back in my early 20s I wasn’t taken seriously by my peers. It took years, but those who mattered eventually were able to see that I’m not a dumbshit. I don’t really care anyway if people think I’m dumb or not.

4• When I was 25 I fell out of love with my hometown in the Chicagoland area. I didn’t feel that there was anything left for me there and that my life had hit a dead end. I took a chance and moved 1000 miles away from my friends and family to Denver, Colorado in search of something new. I found it. :)

5• I used to smoke cigarettes… a LOT. There wasn’t a whole lot to do in my home town so we’d all congregate in diners or somebody’s basement and eat pizza and smoke a bunch of cigarettes and weed. By the age of 22, my poor diet and bad habits had more than caught up with me and I felt sick all the time. I felt like hell 24/7 and I truly didn’t believe I’d live past my 25th birthday. My only choice was to turn my life around. I started eating healthy and exercising right away and I quit smoking cigarettes and weed a few years later. It worked!

6• When I was 20 years old I met a man who I thought was the love of my life. 6 years later I ended the relationship as a broke and battered woman with a pile of debt created by that man. In the nearly 2 years since the break-up, I’ve hit rock bottom and been at the lowest, darkest points in my life…. all while busting my ass to try and become the rising-phoenix kick ass woman I’ve always wanted to be. I’m pretty sure I’ve nailed it.

7• I was once guilted into adopting a stray pit bull. I’m so happy I gave in because that dog has become my best friend in the world.

8• I once had a crush on someone and I made a goddamn fool of myself when he denied me. Luckily he’s a good person and he handled it appropriately. It helped me to take a step back and realize that more than one aspect of my behavior at the time needed to be tweaked.

this pretty much sums up our entire friendship

9• I used to make really weird recipes. My mom used to tell me they sounded gross and that I should just make regular food. I’ve since waited tables in 9 different restaurants and have spent countless hours looking through cookbooks and recipe websites. I now make really weird recipes that are fantastic!

10• I’ve always had an insatiable desire to connect unrelated ideas. It used to drive my parents and my friends mad. It seemed like the more stressed I got, the more overactive it would become. I hated that people didn’t get it but I could never denounce my passion for it. Recently, through the help of the interwebs, I’ve realized that there are a world of people who go ape-shit over allegorical creative writing and over the top cross references. I’m now writing an autobiographical fairy tale.

This picture has absolutely no correlation to my novel

11• I was an over-medicated child. The “little white pill for every ache and discomfort” mentality was instilled in me from an early age. I pulled myself out of that life in my early 20s and have learned that most accounts of sickness and discomfort can be treated with lifestyle changes. The only pills I take now are vitamins, dietary supplements, and the occasional ibuprofen or sleep aid. The less medicine I take, the less medicine I end up needing.

12• I’ve lived “50 Shades of Grey”… minus the BDSM… minus the controlling aspect, minus the losing-my-sense-of-self part. …
Okay so it was essentially more like an empowering sex-god fueled journey of self-discovery that took on the unlikely form of a “50 Shades of Grey” parody. Read it HERE

13• I love to make things. Sometimes my desire to make things outweighs my need for the things I make. Sometimes I want to cook something but I don’t have any desire to eat it. Sometimes I want to write something that doesn’t make sense because I like the way it sounds. Sometimes I want to build something even though I know I won’t have room to store it afterwards. I still make things because it makes me happy. It all works out in the end.

14• I’ve been unlucky in love the past two years. I have trust issues after my ex. I’ve incidentally spent the past two years getting to know me for who I am instead of letting myself be defined by someone else. I’m a creative genius and I don’t give a shit if anyone disagrees with that statement.

15• Awhile back I took a second job I knew I didn’t have time for because I had no other choice financially. It was an amazing decision. I have the coolest job in the world and I get to make things everyday.

16• I’m always accidently stealing parts of other writers’ ideas. Everything I write is accidentally exactly 2.7% plagiarized. On the flip side, I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who’s ever written that last sentence.

17• I’m single and living in a state where I don’t have family, so I spend a lot of time by myself. Needless to say, I get lonely sometimes. Although on the extreme plus side, the freedom gives me the opportunity to make and do so many things I’ve always wanted to experience that I was never able to before now.

18• I like to take risks. I like change. I like being confused and not knowing what will happen tomorrow. My dad doesn’t like this about me. He’s always asking me “What if something bad happens?” What my dad forgets is that he is the exact same way. I am my father’s daughter and I’m damn proud of it.

19• I can't sit still for very long. I can't think about one thing for very long. I'm always thinking. I'm always moving. I'm always productive. I'm always creative. I'm always learning.

20• I've had sporadic allergy attacks for years that I couldn't figure out. This past year they got so bad that I had days I wanted to die. One day after a friend's birthday party I woke up super hungover and randomly ate a big handful of granola. My chest and throat immediately closed up on me and I felt like I was going to die right then and there. Luckily I had a jar of cold coffee in the fridge and I grabbed it to neutralize the allergy attack. It worked. I soon made the realization that I might be allergic to oats (a non-common allergen). I cut them out and haven't had an allergy attack like that since.

21• Sometimes I completely lose interest in everything and have no ambition or drive. I used to feel bad about these phases, but now I just embrace the disinterest and let myself be for a while. Sooner rather than later, my passion for life, the universe, and everything always finds its way back to center stage.

22• I thought I was a lesbian for like 3 months one time. I wasn't actually dating girls, but I had absolutely no sex drive for men for awhile and thought that was why. Turns out I just hated my boyfriend. As soon as we broke up my libido for men came back with a vengeance. 

23• Lesbians always think I'm a lesbian, which gets slightly awkward sometimes. On the plus side, I've made some really cool friends who started talking to me because they thought I was gay.

24• Last Spring/Summer I went through a very difficult break-up with a very bad man. THEN I fell down a flight of stairs and obliterated my right wrist and tore up my face. THEN I lost my full-time job. THEN a very good friend from my childhood passed away. I fell apart for awhile. It was devastating. My body, mind, and soul spent a good few months curled up in the fetal position shaking and feeling hopeless. Then one day I got tired of being sad so I picked myself up and I hit the ground running in the Pursuit of Happiness.

25• The last 2 men I've been out with have been insta-clingers. This is a huge turn-off! On the bright side, I've let them both down nicely and on good terms (even though all really wanted to tell them was "GO AWAY!!!!").

26• I have really bad insomnia. There’s no plus side to this one. Insomnia blows.

27• I think nonsense is hilarious. It cracks me up on a whole-nutha-levol. If you don’t understand, then you probably aren’t listening and that’s ok  mission accomplished!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Queen of Typoes

I’m the queen of typos.

I had this exact sentence typed this way in COASD... for a fucking year

I once had a blog called “Life, The Universe, and the Pursit of Happiness”
I had it up for a month before I realized I had spelled pursuit incorrectly.
Actually… I had logged in with the intention of closing it one day when I realized I had it spelled incorrectly.
So I fixed the spelling… and then I closed the blog forever.
Sumtimes I tyep out mye brian stuffs so fast thet I completly fcuk up halve my wordz.
Somtimes I go bak and look lter and ger teally embarrsed by my typoes.
Somtmes I frget add shorter words like the an to
Somtiems I spell and as an. Sometimes I type an for as or is for if.
Wow. That’s really annoying when it’s done over the top that way.

Sometimes I add to many letters to words. I’de deoesn’t
Sometiems it just gets wierd

*click click lcik*

“You’ve just won an IPAD!”
Yea right… shut up. You’ve just earned yourself a virus scan… Computer…

SS Avast 11.17

I thing its funny. I always entitle my screen shots “SS [specific] mm/dd”
I feel liek I’m naming a boat evry time I do.

I have no idea where this pist is goig. I’m really just having fun seeing where my typing goies when I igmore my “backspace” key and let the typos be unapolgetically themselves.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What it Feels Like to Have Insomnia

“Am I asleep? Have I slept?”
                                                                        -Tyler Durden

For those of you who have never suffered from insomnia…
You may think you know, but you have no idea.

When I tell people I have insomnia, they usually say one of the following:
“Why don’t you just relax?”
“You just need to try and get some good sleep.”
“Have you changed up your pillow/mattress/room temperature?”
“Well if you didn’t sleep last night, you’ll probably sleep extra well tonight.”

Really guys, just… stop.
With true insomnia, there are times when the sufferer truly cannot sleep.
I’m not a fan of the word can’t, but this is an exception.

Prolonged insomnia can lead to feelings that make no sense. Everything starts to itch like an allergic reaction, yet everything is numb like Benadryl – a wholly uncomfortable paradox that one cannot imagine if they've never been there.

The sleep deprived mind runs Windows Vista… all the time.

The longer I go without sleep, the harder it becomes to sleep.
Sometimes I go so long without sleep I lose feeling in my fingers. It starts with my pinkies and works its way in so that I’m dumb through my wrists.

One time I went so long without sleep that I couldn't feel the right side of my lips. Before long I had little to no feeling in the lower right quadrant of my face.
I sometimes wonder if I had stroked out and somehow never knew about it.

I’ve gone so long without sleep that not even sleep meds will put me out. I once took Lunesta and laid awake staring at my ceiling all night.
Needless to say, that next day was extra special miserable…

“Why don’t you just sleep!?” They say…
Hmmm… I dunno, Man… why don’t you just become a millionaire?
Or just lose 50 pounds?
Or just pull a Denver Omelet out of your ass?

Yea… don’t attempt that last one…

When I don’t sleep, life becomes an altered state of reality.
We sleep to escape reality, so when we don’t escape it on a regular basis, the outcome is beyond what anyone outside the sleep deprived mind can ever imagine.

My sleep has been pretty decent this year. Insomnia comes and goes and I’m working on tactics and methods to shorten the duration of insomnia once it starts.

My longest fit of insomnia lasted an entire year.

Can you imagine where the mind goes after a solid year
without escaping reality for more than 1-4 hours at a time?

It's all reality. It's all fantasy. 
It's all a jumble of Mind Fuck 
Scrambled nothing, everything, fuck this shit, 
I don't care, it all sucks, I love you, I hate you, hate myself, can't hold on, gotta get shit done, gotta lay down, can't--
Shit to do. Shit I want. Need. Don't know don't care. Care a lot. Care too much.
Cry. Whine. Punch a pillow. Scream in my head. Aloud. Too loud. Everyone hears. Everyone cares. No one cares.
Everyone hates me. Everyone loves me. Party on. Fuck this shit. Go to bed.
*Despair ensues*
Can't sleep worth a shit. Want to sleep forever. 
Wanna sleep for a week. Need to sleep for 10 minutes. Wake up. What's the point?
Can't sleep anyway. *Get up*
Clean. Cook. Shop. Work work work.
Social media. Chores. Social media. Exercise. Social media. Work. Social media. Eat. 
Fuck my life! Fuck fuck fcuk!!!!
Hate this shit. Hate it hate it hate it! 
Gotta love it. Hate you! Hate your mom. hate your kid. Hate your grandma. Hate you!
Sleep? yea right. 

"You think you know, but you have no idea" 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

What it Feels Like to Have PMS

I often hear people (men) talk about how they “don’t believe in PMS”. They think women use it as an excuse to be bitchy.
Sorry boyz… but it’s real. As crazy as it sounds, there really are 3-6 days every month where we really do feel like the woRLd is AbouT to EnD.
You know that old IKEA commercial?

Yes… I really do feel sorry for the Mocha Milker! The struggle is real, Bitch!

So as much as I’m trying to stray away from the Psychobabble Inscripted type entries I used to write as SheDevil, I feel that style of writing is appropriate for this instance.
The following Inner Monologue goes inside the mind of a woman [me] with raging PMS. This is what we have to go through… every… single… month. This is what I went through... today.

Why is it so dark today? I thought this was Colorado. Aren’t we supposed to get 500 Days of Sunshine a year or some shit? Why is it so dark!? I hate it when it’s dark!
Everyone is so annoying! Stop texting me! Stop talking to me! Stop looking at me. Why is everyone always bothering me!?
I’m so bored. Why is no one talking to me? Why is everyone ignoring me?
Ooo a text! No, fuck that Dude. I hate that guy. Why is he even texting me? I don’t even want to read it.
I'll text him back later. If I text him now I'm just going to be really mean. 
Ooo another text? No, it’s just the reminder tone. Why does my phone do that? Stupid feature.
No one likes me. Everyone hates me. My only friend is my dog. 
Hi Puppy. How did you get so pyitty?

Fuck this shit. We’re going for a hike. Where? Where do I want to go? Nowhere. I don't want to move. I just want to sit and sulk. Um... that's sad. Move your ass, Sarah. Make today awesome... or at least tolerable.
I don’t want to drive all the way to the mountains to hike…hmmm... Boulder? No, I’m too bitchy to deal with Boulderites. They’re so annoying!
Where do you want to go, Puppy? No, stop licking me. You’re gross.

Red Rocks! Let’s go to Red Rocks! Red Rocks will make me happy!

[20 minutes of senseless road rage later]

Ahhhh…Red Rocks! Fresh air. My day just got 10 times better. Let’s go Puppy!
Why do my legs hurt? Why do my eyes hurt? Why does my head hurt? I want pizza. Bleh. This sucks. Why did I come here? I just want to go take a nap.
No wait… I’m just cranky. Exercise helps. Let’s do this thing.
Ah so much better. It’s so pretty out. This was a great idea.
FUHHH! Why does that guy have a speaker on his belt!? I don’t want to hear your music, Dumbass! I’m trying to enjoy the outdoors. Ever hear of headphones? Seriously, why? Why do people think that shit is ok.
Oh hear comes a jogger. Better move to one side so she can pass us.
Bluh! Why did she just look at us like that? We’re not in your way, Lady. The trail is wide enough for all of us. That eye roll was not warranted.
You don’t own the fucking world just because you’re running!!!
Oh shit… did I just say that out loud? Why did I say that out loud? What is wrong with me? Maybe this was a bad idea. I'm super bitchy. Maybe I should just go home. 
No wait. I really want to hike. Let’s go.

[2 hours of pointless cranky antics later]

Time to drive home! I feel so much better. I’m glad I did that, even though I was bitchy the whole time. Maybe I won’t be so bitchy for the rest of the day. I may even treat myself to some chocolate ice cream and a nap. Oh happy day!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sisterhood of the TARDIS

...and I am hopelessly addicted to SciFi.
I know a lot of people can relate.

Although one of the great things I think a lot of people don't catch about good SciFi is that the character analysis is often just as good as the special effects.
I used to have a hard time with SciFi. My sister Bex was really into it when we were kids but I just wasn't into the whole wibbly-wobbly spacey-wasey timey-wimey... stuff...
I liked stories that focused on character growth, interpersonal friendships, and comedic timing. My sister liked [likes] Space.
So we'd watch my shows... and she'd complain.
And we'd watch her movies... and I'd complain.
But what we ended up finding out was that we'd often bond over the most unexpected of entertainment.

[insert really cliche SciFi sequence]
Sarah, why aren't you watching this battle scene?
It's boring. It's just... spaceships.
There's people in them. They might die!
I think they'll be ok. At least all the main characters will.
How do you know!?
Because they're all in the next movie.
Well that's no fun! You have to watch this epicness with me!
I am.
You don't even care...
Nope.. Oh my God! Holy shit! How did they just blow that whole thing up?
Thermal exhaust port. They shot fire balls into it!
What?? How? That's not even possible. You can't even shoot something at that angle.
Haha! They did it though.
Who died?
All the bad guys.
All of them?
Who's still there?
You gotta watch.
So wait... that whole thing is just gone?
Whoa! They did it! Yay! Rewind it like 5 minutes back. I gotta see how they did that.

So when I moved 1000 miles away from my sister, watching SciFi reminded me of home. We still shoot the shit about SciFi over the phone.
My focus has pretty much remained on the character development and analysis. My sister's focus has remained on the Wibbly-Wobbly Spacey Wasey...stuff.

Hey Bex...Rory is The Master
Ya... he got pissed because Amy is a bitch and can't have kids so he went back and became The Master.
Amy did have a kid.
Yea... then they made her sterile at Devil's Run.
Oh... I missed that part of it... Didn't Rory die?
Rory doesn't die.
I dunno the science behind it. I think since he was plastic when he was The Last Centurion and then since he spawned a Timelord he somehow was able to become one.
Hmm... I wonder if that's even possible. 
 It's not possible. It's fiction, Bex.
Oh yea. Hahahaha! You know what I mean. The Master looks like him though!
Cuz they're the same person.
Same alien.
I don't know if Rory is an alien since he was born a human.
Ohhh... that's really weird. Did you know that Gallifrey is actually a real in real life?

Bex has the Science part.
I've got the fiction part.
Both are important.
Both are awesome.
Both are essential for Science Fiction.

Let's fly this piece of crap!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

*Cryptic Le Sigh* Feeling: Human

There are some days when it all seems like it's falling apart for no reason. Those days are important. They're there to test us. To see if we can keep it together better than the last time it all fell apart for no reason. We all set goals to better our future...

"Next time this shit happens... Ima' handle it better."

And sometimes we listen.
But sometimes we don't.
Everyone gets depressed. Everyone has off days. Everyone is always recovering from something, and all recoveries have setbacks. 
I've had lots of setbacks in the past few years, and referring back to my own words of whatnot has helped me quite a bit. 
Trying to better myself based on what I've learned from my mistakes becomes easier as time goes on. I know that when my heart gets low, my mind will always become too busy. The synapses inside the right half of my brain will explode and implode in a fajillion different directions and reality will become intricately twizted. Sometimes I let this get the best of me, which has often been difficult to control.

Although, I've recently retaught myself to feel my emotions the way are meant to be felt. For a long time I was discouraged from expressing strong emotions. Someone who was very close to me for a long time would not allow me to express emotion. 
As a result I became even-tempered... outwardly. Inwardly I was always screaming.
And then there were times where I was screaming... all the time... for no good reason. I was angry about nothing and everything all at once. 
It's taken awhile to retrain myself to feel and express proper emotions. 

I've cried twice this week. I felt sad, so I cried. 
It's been too long since that's been able to happen. 
As strange as it sounds, I'm happy with myself that I am able to feel sadness. 

Both. Always both.

But enough about me.
The advice I'd like to put forth is that no one should ever be afraid to feel. 

Feelings guide us. They help us to appropriately transition into the next stage of our journey.
The important thing to remember is that when we feel something, we sometimes have to coach ourselves rationally in order to let our feelings take the appropriate path.

If we are upset with someone's actions, it's important to address the person's actions instead of their character. It's also important to realize that we may also be part of the problem and to consider and address that part where necessary. 

If we are upset with someone's actions, it's also important that we address that person when it comes to confrontation. It may not be easy to "put on a happy face" around everyone else, nor is it necessary to do so. However, pushing misplaced anger on people unrelated to the problem itself is never ok. It's always going to be a struggle (for everybody) to keep negative emotions focused where they aught to be, but it's really the only place where they belong. Once we train ourselves to do this properly, it will soon become evident that it is worth the effort to do so.

If we are upset about something, as we all will be sooner or later, it is important to prioritize what responsibilities are important and also which ones can be temporarily set aside. 

I'll switch back to my own situation now for the sake of example...

Today I felt sad. I felt unimportant. Unwanted. Ugly. Ignorable. Forgettable. Lame. Boring. Ordinary. Dull. Hopeless. Helpless. Worthless. Stupid. Crybaby. Pathetic. Damaged. Broken. Tired. Uninspired. Hurt.

I knew I'd spend the evening curled up in the fetal position feeling sorry for myself. 
Which is exactly what I did...
But... I knew there'd eventually be time for me to do that, and I also knew that I had stuff to do. Important stuff that came first. Stuff that was top priority. Stuff that was unrelated to my reason for feeling negative.
So... I took a deep breath... I did what I had to do. I did it from start to finish.

Some other responsibilities went wayward today, but I accept that I'll have to make up for those in the very near future. 

And so even as I sit here this evening feeling still slightly worthless...

I've realized...
•I focused my negative emotions onlywhere they belong...
•I surveyed my emotions from a well-rounded standpoint and realized where my own insecurities played a part.
•I didn't let my negative emotions leak too much outside the situation at hand (a little... but I'm only human)
•I took care of what I needed to take care of before letting my emotions take hold of me.
•Once I was in the appropriate setting, I let myself feel sad and I let myself express that openly.
•I let myself cry.

And even though it still hurts... a lot...
I know that's ok...
I love Fairly Oddparents

Because it's been way too long since I've handled these types of feelings this way.
I've made a hella lot of mistakes in this field the past few years...
But mistakes are the best way to learn to do things properly. 

Party on ;)

"When the snow melts and the fog lifts, you'll never waiting underneath"

Winter might be on the horizon in Denver, but Winter is just now ending in my heart. 
What a long, strange winter it's been...